

Shared Documents

A management tool for projects

Last Updated on
October 16, 2024

Et billede, der indeholder tekst, Font/skrifttype, linje/række, skærmbilledeAutomatisk genereret beskrivelse

A management overview of Projects, Ideas, Tasks and Conversations. It is possible to filter by user and by status depending on what role you have in the portal.  


The dashboards project boxes show title, number, your role in a project and status. It shows if a project is behind, on track or ready to complete. When pressing a project box, it shows the attached tasks to this project.


Here you can see the status of ideas. The Box shows number, title, role and status. If an idea is ready to be accepted, and your role is sign off, it shows “ready to sign off”. You can go directly to overview on Idea and approve or reject.

Project Tasks

Here you can see the status of your tasks and you can sort the status. Task boxes show title, number, timing, assigned role and status of the task. You can go directly to the task from the box. When pressing on the box, task conversations will be shown.


When standing on a specific project you will be able to see if there are any conversations. Stading on a task, you will be able to see if there is a conversation on that task.

Idea Bank

Idea Bank is the list of all ideas, accepted ideas, and templates for ideas. Here, you can create ideas and templates for ideas.

Once an idea is created, it will be displayed in the list. All ideas must be accepted (require sign-offs) before they can become a project. If an idea is "accepted," it can be turned into a project.

The field setup is the same as in Projects. Please note that only the person who created the idea can turn it into a project. When converting an idea into a project, you will choose from the available project templates.


This module consists of 3 tabs; Projects, Completed Projects and Templates.

First we will explain "Projects". You can read more about "Completed projects" and "Templates" in the bottum.


This is the project list of all projects (permission dependent). You can filter in this list. When you click on a project you will get a new display. See below.

In the top bar you can go from tab to tab. All of this is related to a specific project.


This is the "frontpage" for the project. It consists of different "containers".

1. Details - contains Project Number, Timing, Project manager, Title and description. It shows the status of the project.

  • In Details you can also “add” Area Fields (Made in “Project configuration”)
  • Add launch dates (for instance release dates or deadlines)
  • You have an “Actions” menu with “copy project” and “print” button plus a “Settings” function. In the project settings you can decide if you want the time plan to adjust upon task completion or not. You can specify the conditions for whether tasks that are behind, are to be marked in the time plan. Ypu can also change the order of the area fields, this only applies to this specific project.

2. Forms – a work form to fill in relevant information regarding the project. Add Checkboxes, dropdown, table and more.

3. Linked forms – add “Forms” from tasks in your project. If you have specific information to be viewed in Project overview from a form in a task, you can add a linked form.  

4. Stakeholders – a person of interest in the project. Can view and add conversations to the project.

5. Documents – upload and download files to your project, only to be shown in the project overview, or you can mark “inherit” document to all tasks in the project. This will make the specific inherited document visible in all tasks related to the project. For upload of Word files choose read or online edit (Only Word files). Excel online edit possible soon.

6. Links -add a link to your project.

7. Logs – here you can see logs of work done in project overview.


Add conversations to your project. This is only possible for people with permission to read or edit projects. You can also use it as notes. Numbers of conversations are shown in the top bar as well as adding more answers to a conversation is shown with a number in the specific conversation.  

Time plan

This is your plan for the tasks in the project. Here you can make phases, tasks, dependencies and see your projects timing. Please read the "Time plan and task" section in TASKS for further details.

Project Team

Here you can change the assignees, stakeholders, and Sign- Off in your project. By selecting a new user or group you can replace the existing user with another one.

All Documents

This is an overview of the documents related to your project overview and the tasks in the project. If the document has a Task title it is related to a document in a task. No task title means the document lays in the project overview.

Completed Projects

This is the list of completed projects. It is possible to filter in this list. To re-open a completed project, you must contact Virkplan. You cannot edit in Completed projects. It is a read-only list.


This is where you create the templates to be used in your projects. Virkplan will always help you with this in the begining. The Templates are your standards and you can have several templates. This is where you define your standard time plan with timing, documents, assignees etc. Any changes in a template will have an effect on new projects made from that template.


A list of all tasks which work as a management overview. You can filter in this list. You can mark several tasks and change assignee. Actions button with a Start, Complete, add comment and add document functionality. A “me and my groups” with different statuses. Possible to include completed projects´ Tasks. See section Time plan and task for more details.

Time plan and Task

A projects time plan is only visible for Project managers or users with permissions to read or edit projects.  

The time plan is your all over plan for the project. It is divided into phases with tasks. There is an overview of tasks, assignee, start- and end date, expected start – and end date, duration and status. The Gantt chart provides a visualization of the project plan with the schedule and progress.

There are several functions in the Time Plan which are related to tasks. You can add, delete and copy tasks.  

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Then there are several functions to adjust the time plan, so it fits you, while you are working in it. It is not possible to save adjustments in the Time Plan.  

You have a save and reset button. And you can start, stop and complete the project at the action button in the top right corner.

A task in a project is where you document your work. This is where you start and complete your task. The task overview consists of 7 fields.  

Form has a “born” standard form from a template. The form is editable, and it is where you fill in information regarding the task, either by checkmarks, dropdown boxes, table or text boxes.  One can make horizontal lines and headlines.  

Information is the field where Title, Duration days and timing, assignee, predecessors, description and tags (#tags) are shown.

Predecessors are set to make dependencies to other tasks. A task can have multiple predecessors.

Stakeholders (Co – Assignee) is a user that can perform as assignee on the task. The number of stakeholders will be shown in the field. To be used if you need more assignees on your task, and don´t want a group as assignee.

Sign Offs are people who should approve the specific task. This could be forms are filled out correctly or a document contains the required information. You can have multiple Sign offs on your task. A task will not be completed before the task has been approved by alle sign offs. The number of sign offs will be shown in the field.

Documents - upload and download files to your task. For upload of Word files choose read or online edit (only Word files). The number of documents will be shown in the field.

Links are used for navigating to a new location by clicking or tapping on it.  

Logs are showing tasks´ “footprints”.  


It is only possible to see the Document list if you are a company admin, or you have permission to see all documents.

A list of all documents. By selecting a document, you can download it. You can filter in this list.  

A sidebar with 5 sub menus

Et billede, der indeholder tekst, skærmbillede, Font/skrifttype, designAutomatisk genereret beskrivelse

When working in the different modules in Projects, users will be able to view and perform various functions depending on their permissions.

Always contact your company admin if you need changes to your permissions. Virkplan is always available to assist, but we do not change permissions without approval from the company's "Company admins."

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