
User rights in the portal

Administration of users and groups, access and configuration

Last Updated on
October 16, 2024

"Admin" is only visible to Company admins.

This is where you create users and groups. If you are a Company admin, you have the ability to manage the permissions and access of other users. Virkplan will refer to the company's Company admin for adjustments to individual user permissions when support tickets are submitted. Virkplan will always be available to assist with modifying and changing permissions, but we recommend seeking approval from the Company admin first.

"For RLS settings, contact Virkplan.

If you would like a more thorough introduction to user permissions, you can always contact Virkplan at

The admin module includes the following submenus:


This is where to create new groups. When creating a group, you set the permissions for the group, report access and you can choose whether users are members or group admins.  


Here you create new users, set the permissions for the users and select user´s role. Add features, group memberships and report access. The user must be created before setting permissions in projects.

Permissions can also be granted to users via features. These features can only be enabled or disabled if they are also activated on the company's account. This should be agreed upon with Virkplan.

NOTE – “Higher” permissions on a user or in the group override what a user otherwise gets from rights, and rights on user and group must be seen as complementary to each other.

Access – Reports

Configure report access. Here you give groups access to specific reports. You choose a report and select how the group access should be.

Access – Sites

Configure site access. Give users and groups access to specific sites.

Access – Import

Configure Import Access. Configure which users and groups are allowed to upload files.

Master Documents

This is the document library for master documents.

Portal usage

A common report showing the use of the Virkplan portal for your company is available to all company administrators. Portal Usage can be found under the 'Admin' section. Members will see it as a menu item if they have been granted access. Access is provided through a feature in the user settings.

This is where you configure Triggers, Tags and Area Fields.


An automatic trigger Virkplan can set up to call a function when a task is completed. E.g. send an E-mail to a specific person when the task is done.


here you can add a tag to a task. When adding, the tag is addible in “tags” on tasks. E.g. for use by companies that want to see which department is responsible for a task or for other usages. Tags are shown in the task list as a column that you can filter on.

Area fields

Area fields will be shown in Project overview.  Configure area fields as text, dropdown, dropdown multi select, address or by URL from a business central. It could be customer no., project type, Region, account no. or whatever a company needs for their project overview. You can add as many area Fields as wanted. Area fields appear in the project list, and you can filter on it. It is also possible to see area fields in reports. You can change the order of Area fields. This will then apply to all future projects created.

NOTE: Deleting area fields demands a clean-up by Virkplan employees.

If you are the "company admin", you are the one who can manage other users' permissions and access.

For support tickets, Virkplan will refer to the company's "company admin" for adjustments to individual user permissions. Virkplan will always be available to assist with modifying and changing permissions, but we will first refer to the "company admin" for approval.

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